OXI Day in Athens

OXI Day in Athens

Today is Oxi Day, celebrated in Greece every year on the 28th October. It commemorates the day when the Greek prime minister Ioannis Metaxas rejected an ultimatum given by the Italian dictator Benito Mussolini during World War II. (Written about in much more detail during my stay in Lesvos in 2022) https://agreekoddity.com/commemorating-oxi-day-and-a-sunset-dinner-in-molyvos/ A big military…

Car Hire Capers on Samothrace

Car Hire Capers on Samothrace

Since being on Samothrace I can see that the bus timetable especially in October is quite limited so today I’m going to hire a car. Driving in Greece is never my first choice of transport but sometimes ‘needs must!’. There are a couple of hire car companies along the back of the port but nobody…

A Whistle Stop Tour of Samothrace

A Whistle Stop Tour of Samothrace

My hosts Mr George and Madam Stratoula arrived back from Alexandrouplis on the Adamantios Korais this morning. I know this because there is another plate of bright red pomegranates on the table outside my door. After breakfast, I handwash some clothes and hang them out to dry and as I do George comes to say…

Exploring Samothrace Chora and the Temple of the Great Gods Part 2

Exploring Samothrace Chora and the Temple of the Great Gods Part 2

Continuing my explorations of Samothrace Chora, I make my way through the paved alleyways towards the centre of the village. One place that I wanted to see was the Antoniou Family Traditional Bakery. Well, I found it easily enough but unfortunately for me again it is closed. Not to worry though, just seeing it from…

Exploring Samothrace Chora and the Temple of the Great Gods Part 1

Exploring Samothrace Chora and the Temple of the Great Gods Part 1

From behind the rocky crags completely hidden from sight, Samothrace Chora has been taunting me, calling me. This protected view is a real asset to a small island that needed to hide itself away from pirates back in the days of yore. The freshly harvested wheat fields reflect a glorious golden light. The only sound…

Visiting the Skyrian Ponies and Farewell Skyros

Visiting the Skyrian Ponies and Farewell Skyros

I had heard about the Skyrian ponies before I’d heard about the island’s very unique Carnival celebrations. Although I haven’t seen much of the island (probably the first time I’ve never seen the port of a Greek island!), my stay wouldn’t be complete without seeing the horses. Last night I’d messaged Amanda to see if…

A Trata Disasta and Clean Monday Sweeps in on the Wind!

A Trata Disasta and Clean Monday Sweeps in on the Wind!

The last twenty-four hours have been pretty ‘yuck’! After returning back to my studios in Molos, the lurgy that I’d been fighting for days now wreaked its revenge. I spent the night shivering and struggling to get warm. The air con was cranked up to the max and I put as many layers of clothing…