A Tour of To Pounti – A 14th Century Pyrgi Village House

A Tour of To Pounti – A 14th Century Pyrgi Village House

Yesterday Mr Kosta and his beloved parrot Fidelina arrived back at To Pounti. He had been attending to business at their other house in the north of the island – Mr Kosta and Toula’s house that is! Fidelina as far as I know doesn’t own any property! Fidelina immediately goes into her repertoire of words…

Farewell Pyrgi – Back to Chios Town – And Fidelina Comes too!

Farewell Pyrgi – Back to Chios Town – And Fidelina Comes too!

I’m packed and ready to leave Pyrgi. In body that is. The soul is another matter. Visiting Chios, the fifth largest island in Greece has been a bit like an island hopping trip – in fact it has been a village hopping trip but instead of the ferries I’ve been using the buses, the odd…