Poros, Ouzo and the Octopus Man.  My First Greek Island Solo Trip! April 1993

Poros, Ouzo and the Octopus Man. My First Greek Island Solo Trip! April 1993

1993 was a strange year.  It was a time of heartbreak and impending change.  I found myself at the proverbial crossroads in love and in life which let’s face it, isn’t always a bad thing. So here I was, considering what to do with my life but I couldn’t get things straight in my head….

Preparations for a Trip to the Peloponnese

Preparations for a Trip to the Peloponnese

I have a very good feeling about this trip and it has come at exactly the right time.  The pressures of work are beginning to tell and I am desperate for sunshine, good food and all things ‘Joi de vivre’ that beautiful Greece will offer. I am particularly excited about the opportunity to observe the…