The First Cemetery of Athens

The First Cemetery of Athens

Considering that I’ve been hit with the full force of a virus, I’m certainly packing it in today. After the walking tour – Athens City of Rebellion I wanted to see once last thing before I return home tomorrow. The First Cemetery of Athens. Maelle had suggested that I catch public transport as it is…

A Walking Tour in Athens – History of Rebellion

A Walking Tour in Athens – History of Rebellion

Three days in Athens at the end of a hectic itinerary is always the icing on the cake, in fact for me, it has become a ritual. Whilst here I always try to do or see something new. I’d seen a walking tour advertised called Athens, a History of Rebellion which really piqued my interest….

OXI Day in Athens

OXI Day in Athens

Today is Oxi Day, celebrated in Greece every year on the 28th October. It commemorates the day when the Greek prime minister Ioannis Metaxas rejected an ultimatum given by the Italian dictator Benito Mussolini during World War II. (Written about in much more detail during my stay in Lesvos in 2022) A big military…

Leaving Alexandroupolis and Back to Athens

Leaving Alexandroupolis and Back to Athens

My proposed trip to the Evros Delta was a washout. I received a call from the organiser in the morning to say that storms had been forecast so the boat trip would not run. Of course, I was disappointed but I was able to retrieve some of the time at the History Museum of Alexandroupolis….

Northern Aegean Trip Ahead – But With A Little Scheduled Detour!

Northern Aegean Trip Ahead – But With A Little Scheduled Detour!

Well of course when beloved author and friend Peter Barber and the beautiful Alex put out an invitation to their book launch in Pefki – I was definitely going to go. I would fit it into my itinerary by hook or by crook! Yesterday I caught the bus from Liosion Bus Station just outside central…

Manchester to Athens – Take 2!

Manchester to Athens – Take 2!

I left Manchester on a typically grey and dark, dank day.  Apart from its two football teams, it’s what the city is known for.  That’s why cotton weaving mills were once so prevalent in the area – perfect humid and damp conditions.  Shortly after boarding the Aegean Airline Airbus A320, we taxied out onto the…

2023 Solo Trip – Take Two!

2023 Solo Trip – Take Two!

So, this year’s solo trip didn’t start as I’d hoped. After setting my alarm for 0315 and making sure that my lift to the airport was also awake, I arrived at Manchester Airport shortly after 0400 – an ungodly hour to be functioning on all cylinders. The day before there had already been broadcasts on…

Following Monty Part 2 – Mount Hymettus Hiking and Raiment of the Soul, Acropolis Museum

Following Monty Part 2 – Mount Hymettus Hiking and Raiment of the Soul, Acropolis Museum

Continuing on with my inspiration from Monty Don’s visit to Athens during his fantastic TV Series, Monty Don’s Adriatic Gardens, this afternoon I am going to visit Mount Hymettus, another place that he travelled to during his programme. I’ve booked a sunset hike on Mount Hymettus with an exciting tour operator called Nomad’s Path. They…

Following in the Footsteps of Monty Don Part 1 – Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Centre

Following in the Footsteps of Monty Don Part 1 – Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Centre

Most keen gardeners, especially if you live in the UK will know of Monty Don. He is a regular fixture on our TVs, where every Friday evening he makes us all green with envy as he potters around his beautiful garden at Longmeadow. He has also made some fantastic programmes about gardens across the globe…

Athens Day 2 Continued- Protests, Culture and a bit of Psiri

Athens Day 2 Continued- Protests, Culture and a bit of Psiri

After cooling myself off in the shade of the National Gardens (Evzones have that effect on me!), the next phase of my Athens explorations commence. As I walk through the gardens absorbing the calm and tranquillity, I can hear the sounds of chanting. I know already that a protest march is scheduled for today so…