Easter on Chios Rouketopolemos – The Rocket Wars

Easter on Chios Rouketopolemos – The Rocket Wars

When we left Chios for Izmir 3 days ago we still didn’t know if Rouketopolemos (also known as the Rocket Wars) would go ahead. The event consists of the rival parishes of St. Mark’s and Panaghia Ereithiani firing thousands of homemade rockets at the church towers of the opposition. This isn’t without its casualties. Nearby properties…

Good Friday in Chios Town – Chasing the Epitaphio

Good Friday in Chios Town – Chasing the Epitaphio

As we sailed back into Chios from Cesme with our haul of bargains we were greeted by a magnificent rainbow over the town. The weather looks a little unpredictable but we just hope it remains dry for the Good Friday processions this evening. It’s a 10 minute walk from the Customs building to our hotel….

A Tour of To Pounti – A 14th Century Pyrgi Village House

A Tour of To Pounti – A 14th Century Pyrgi Village House

Yesterday Mr Kosta and his beloved parrot Fidelina arrived back at To Pounti. He had been attending to business at their other house in the north of the island – Mr Kosta and Toula’s house that is! Fidelina as far as I know doesn’t own any property! Fidelina immediately goes into her repertoire of words…