Leaving Thirassia  – a Little Shaken, Rattled and Rolled

Leaving Thirassia – a Little Shaken, Rattled and Rolled

This afternoon I will leave Thirassia. My three nights here have been all too short but unfortunately have been dictated by the regularity (or irregularity) of the ferry connections. I do a last bit of handwashing, safe in the knowledge that it will be bone dry after just a few hours on the line. Whilst…

Navigating Thirassia – Step 1 – 270 of them!

Navigating Thirassia – Step 1 – 270 of them!

After a good night’s sleep, I feel ready for action – the single bed that reminds of my childhood days is surprisingly comfortable. Babis has given me clear instructions on how to navigate the island. Most of the villages on the upper plateau can be accessed on foot, however, this morning I’ve hauled on my…

The First Cemetery of Athens

The First Cemetery of Athens

Considering that I’ve been hit with the full force of a virus, I’m certainly packing it in today. After the walking tour – Athens City of Rebellion I wanted to see once last thing before I return home tomorrow. The First Cemetery of Athens. Maelle had suggested that I catch public transport as it is…

A Walking Tour in Athens – History of Rebellion

A Walking Tour in Athens – History of Rebellion

Three days in Athens at the end of a hectic itinerary is always the icing on the cake, in fact for me, it has become a ritual. Whilst here I always try to do or see something new. I’d seen a walking tour advertised called Athens, a History of Rebellion which really piqued my interest….